Yvonne Victor Life Coaching Blog | Life and Business Tips



11 Nov, 2019

Five Self-Care Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday

My memories of holidays past are pretty good for the most part. I grew up in a large family and that equals a lot of hungry stomachs to fill, so Thanksgiving was a well-orchestrated event. My mother and grandmother effortlessly blended melodies of grating, basting, and mixing with the harmonies of chopping, pouring, and baking […]

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31 May, 2019

Y Achievers Partnership

Recently, Yvonne Victor Life Coach | Life Design has partnered with the Raleigh based, Clarence E. Lightner YMCA Achievers (LYA) program. Our services will further enrich the ongoing curriculum and introduce coaching, as another viable tool to be used in the quest for success. Program participants and volunteers will have the opportunity to take workshops […]

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21 Jan, 2019

The Best Gift Ever: Why Self-Care Matters

“Self care” is a hot topic lately that’s been used to describe everything from face masks to meditation. But what does self care really mean? In this stressful holiday season, investing in taking care of yourself, your wants, and your needs is the single most important gift you can give. Self care, or self investment, will look different for each person depending on your unique circumstances – but broadly defined, it’s about being as kind to yourself as you are to others.

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